Monday, December 13, 2010

A new feature.

I have decided to start posting the correspondence of myself and my colleagues with Liberians. Sometimes they can be pretty enjoyable. I will be editing them slightly to take out names to save people embarrassment. Enjoy this first email.

making friend

hi ------,
i would like to take this time to appreciate you for haven't allowering me to
have asset to your email address.
i want to take this time to formally introduced my self.i'm --- ------ -------
jr.i'm a liberian currently residing in liberia.i was born on april 18
1983 unto
the union of mr and mrs --------.i school at cuttington university and is a
junior student.i'm studying economics with destinction in accounting.mid 2009
some where around august, my aunt did a failing in for three person through
guinea to go to the states.i was in ccnakry for a year plus and due to the
uncertainty in guinea at the time i managed to return home november of this
year.i'm strongly anticipating going back to school by next semester.i
wont mine
if you would like to have me as a friend.i pray and hope that in
subsequent time
we get to know each other better.i'm mailing you from a commercial cafe and
because of this i dont have much time contiune writing.please let me
get a reply
from you doing your leisure time.

it's ---